Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Reading Deep

Ezra Klein had a conversation with Nicholas Carr on Ezra's podcast. Carr wrote a book about what the Internet is doing to your brain:The Shallows. They talked about that book. They also talked about the value of deep reading and what it does for your brain. When I say I love to read I mean deep reading. I love when a book pulls you under into the deep.
When I started reading the Library of America Baldwin books I didn't think about how many books I'd be reading. Two volumes but seven or eight books. There is third volume, which I intended to order but am sort of glad I didn't. Yet. I need time to digest. When I got to Another Country I thought I might take a break. But first I thought I'd just read a page. Yeah. I was in really deep. Really fast. The last book was Going to Meet the Man, which I did not read well. It's not a long book. He uses some of the names of characters from Another Country and I couldn't adjust. I was still emotionally involved with them. Still am. 
Both Ezra and Nicholas talked about needing to put the phone across the room so that they could sink into the read. I get that. I pick my phone up in the middle of every other page. Not every time but more often than I care to admit.
I have a thing that happens. Usually when I'm reading magazines or on line. I can't take the words in. I know in a few moments if I'm going to be able to settle. Sometimes I push and some times I'm glad I do. Usually I flip the page. I have always loved magazines and have had deep reading experiences with them. Right now I just want books.
I haven't been buying things. Not even books. It's OK. Since I usually do over buy books, I have a supply. But I didn't get any books for my birthday, which actually made me cry. Big baby that I am. So I bought myself Eddie Glaude's new book. Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons For our Own. Perfect. It's helping me to feel through everything I just read. It is also making me want to reread a lot of it.
For me, when you get deep into a book you're still sort of in it even when you put the book down.


allaboutgeorge said...

That immersive feeling comes and goes for me, depending on the text and the format. I have to admit it's much rarer to feel it when I'm reading things on my phone. I do remember it when I got ahold of a tattered paperback copy of "Another Country" back in high school.

Tish said...

I just reread Another Country. I love book memories.

Ethan said...

Greatt reading