Monday, May 09, 2022

Life Goes On

 There's something going on in my life that I'm not comfortable talking about on social media. It involves someone who is very private. I don't think I can tell their story. 

I do think I can talk about how I feel.

I am broken. 

Really. I am shaken to my core and shattered. 

And life goes on. 

It's such a difficult truth. Life goes on. People die. People leave. Ways of life are destroyed. But life itself goes on. Dragging you along with it. And the hurts become part of the fabric of who you are. They make you stronger and they make you vulnerable in new ways. 

Because I'm older, things seem to hit harder and deeper. As I try to imagine my future with new liabilities. Fewer people to count on. 

In some ways, because of the blog, I've lived out loud. I think being open is valuable. But in the places where my life intersects with other people, I feel a need to keep the details to myself. When I was working at EA I stopped blogging. I had signed an NDA. I was meeting a lot of new people. I was a fish out of water in so many ways. I lost my voice. 

Right now, I just want to scream - THIS HURTS! 


There really isn't anything that can be done. 

Life will go on.   

1 comment:

dimplewarus said...

Life will indeed go on (whether we want it to or not) until it doesn't.

Sincere regrets for your friend's predicament, inasmuch as it causes you pain you cannot articulate.