Thursday, April 28, 2022


 There was a video on TikTok in which a guy makes a pretty dopey fat joke. And I saw it a few times. I did a post about it. The reaction to so much of what I say about my rection to those things is interpreted as my feelings being hurt. It's hard to hurt my feelings in terms of my size. It's been years since I gave a shit about how anybody feels about my body. But I do give a shit about how being fat is understood. Because it has an impact on so many things. Nonbiased health care. Access to public facilities, particularly transportation. Something like being able to walk into a store and buy off the rack, which has an impact on how people feel about themselves and how much they pay for things. 

I feel like I say the same things over and over. 

When people read or hear the word fat, they have a reflexive, mostly unconscious reaction. Fat is something to be avoided. It's an impolite word. They're confused at first. They layer all kinds of stuff onto what I'm saying.  

I am kind of tired of working through it all. 

A wonderful man on TikTok said he was sending positive energy my way and he loves me for me. That's very nice. Now do you want to help me change the world?    

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